Placement Automation Software
Employer Module
Manage Profile
Employers interested in hiring from the college can sign up on
the website. On signing up, the CPO will review the employer profile and as per
college policy register the prospective employer to hire from the college.
The employer can update and manage his profile so as to position themselves well
to attract students to apply for their job postings. Besides their profile, employers
can create presentations about the company.
Post Jobs / Schedule Events
Employers can post jobs or schedule events such as on-campus recruitments, off-campus recruitments etc. The CPO on receipt of the Job Post or Schedule Event request from employer approve it and post in on the online notice board of the college.
Manage Applications
Employers can view performance of their Job Postings and Events for number of applicants and
also view the information of students who have applied for the openings. Employers can reactivate earlier job postings or also deactivate their job postings when the vacancy is filled. After interviews the Employer can mark Students as shortlisted, interviewed, rejected, hired. This online management helps the CPO reserve the student only for that employer and hence make the hiring process more assured.
Communications with Students and CPO
The employer can email to students who have applied for the job posting with a copy to the CPO using the platform. Employer can also initiate and respond to emails from students and CPO.
Services For Employers
Employers face several challenges in hiring from colleges such as availability of placement function at college, reaching out to multiple colleges cost effectively, ensuring all students are informed, internal recruitment staff constraints, increased competition etc.
Campus Direct is a single window that connects employers to India's national network of college placement offices online. Subscribers to Campus Direct can also avail of recruitment and other services offered through our field support staff and recruitment teams.
These services include recruitment support, screening and testing etc. To learn more about what we offer, please visit Campus Direct.
There are over 500 employers who have signed up to recruit from colleges using India Career Portal / Campus Direct Platform. The employers using India Career Portal are as follows: